Elevate Your Aircraft Storage with Power Steel Buildings

When it comes to housing your aircraft, safety, durability, and customization are of paramount importance. Enter power steel buildings – the modern marvels that cater to the aviation industry’s unique needs. From protecting your aircraft from the elements to offering a versatile range of sizes and customization options, power steel buildings have revolutionized the way aircraft hangars are designed and built.

Size Ranges

Power Steel Buildings understands that aircraft come in all shapes and sizes, from compact private planes to large commercial jets. This is why they offer an impressive range of sizes for their aircraft hangars. Whether you need a space to house a single personal aircraft or a fleet of planes, you can find the perfect fit with Power Steel Buildings. Their size options typically span from small hangars with around 16 feet of width to expansive structures that can accommodate wingspans of up to 200 feet or more.


One of the standout features of Power Steel Buildings is their commitment to customization. No two aircraft storage needs are exactly alike, and these buildings provide the flexibility to tailor your hangar to your specific requirements. From the layout of the interior and colors for the exterior, as well as the ability to insulate. Every detail can be customized to match your preferences. Whether you want additional office space, maintenance bays, or storage areas, Power Steel Buildings can seamlessly integrate these features into your hangar’s design.

Various Door Options for your Aircraft Storage

Choosing the right door for your aircraft hangar is paramount, as it directly impacts the ease of access and the efficiency of operations. Power Steel Buildings offer a variety of door options to suit different aircraft and usage scenarios:

  1. Sliding Doors:

  •  Ideal for larger hangars, sliding doors provide an unobstructed opening that allows easy movement of aircraft in and out. These doors are known for their durability and smooth operation.
  1. Bi-Fold Doors:

  •     Bi-fold doors are a popular choice for those seeking a balance between space-saving and efficiency. These doors fold upwards, creating a canopy-like opening that enables aircraft to enter and exit with minimal clearance.
  1. Rolling Doors:

  •           For those looking for a cost-effective and compact solution, rolling doors are a great choice. They roll up vertically, making them suitable for smaller hangars or spaces with limited overhead clearance.
  1. Hydraulic Doors:

  • When quick and smooth access is essential, hydraulic doors are the way to go. These doors open and close with impressive speed, making them ideal for busy hangars where aircraft movements are frequent.

Advantages of Power Steel Buildings for Aircraft Hangars

  1. Durability:

  • Power Steel Buildings are constructed using high-quality steel, ensuring the hangars can withstand the test of time and various weather conditions, from harsh winds to heavy snow loads.
  1. Cost-Efficiency:

  • These buildings offer a cost-effective solution for aircraft storage compared to traditional construction methods. Additionally, their efficient design and streamlined construction process help save both time and money.
  1. Expandability:

  • As your aircraft storage needs evolve, Power Steel Buildings can easily accommodate expansions. This flexibility allows you to adjust your hangar space without the hassle of major renovations.
  1. Low Maintenance:

  • The low-maintenance nature of steel buildings reduces the need for regular upkeep, allowing you to focus more on your aircraft and operations.

Elevate your aircraft storage experience with Power Steel Buildings and ensure your valuable assets are protected with the utmost care and innovation.